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Types of card fraud

There are four types of fraud and CSCS is committed to tackling them all.

Where organised criminals assist candidates to obtain a genuine qualification. While most centres delivering qualifications uphold the standards required, there are instances when a centre’s integrity becomes compromised.

Due to the stringent anti-fraud practices implemented at a centre, coercion of staff members in key positions is usually required. These team members become complicit and facilitate candidates in obtaining genuine qualifications. A staff member may allow someone to knowingly sit a test on behalf of someone else, provide answers to a candidate, or allow electronic devices into the room to assist in verifying answers.

CSCS relies on Awarding Organisations to monitor the performance of their approved training providers and to verify that an individual has achieved the required qualifications before CSCS issue a card.

Examples of centre malpractice include examiners passing candidates that did not meet the required standard and deliberately falsifying records to claim certificates.

Malpractice is a risk to construction and the industry must work collaboratively to ensure qualifications are only issued to those with the required knowledge.

CSCS relies on Awarding Organisations to monitor the performance of their approved training providers and to verify that an individual has achieved the required qualifications before CSCS issue a card.

Often criminals utilise online and social media platforms to assist candidates in obtaining a CSCS card without having to complete the required exams.

When an individual is duped into believing they will receive a card only for it not to arrive, this is known as advanced fee fraud.

Individuals are required to complete the necessary qualifications and courses to gain a CSCS card and our Fraud Investigation team constantly monitor and take action to shut such operations down.

CSCS cards are equipped with smart technology, while CSCS Smart Check allows for quick and easy detection of fake cards, therefore there are very few fake CSCS cards in circulation.

The construction industry must continue to regularly check cards using CSCS Smart Check to ensure numbers continue to drop.

Similarly, fake certificates were also historically of poor quality and easily identifiable. However, fraudsters are now able to create more sophisticated qualification certificates and documents.

Whilst the number of fake certificates in circulation is low, we continue to work in partnership with the Awarding Bodies to identify forged documents at the point of application.